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If Love Never Exists < /3

Saturday, July 28, 2007 ; 6:04 AM
Because of you ; again.
Jus came back from official opening.Quite a grand opening indeed.the hall was filled with like the wedding atmosphere like that.Got the restaurant smell.Sat at the hall there waiting for the minister to come.Wah at that time so hungry.see those waitress serving soft drinks make my mouth drool lo.But too bad cannot drink ahhas.After the performance was rushed to go home.No dinner for us to eat.So bad uh.hahas and now im damn tired and i haven started my SS homework.Sh!t had difficulty doing it.And i have decided not to do it until i have enough of rest.okay gotta go sleep soon. : )

Thursday, July 26, 2007 ; 2:45 AM
Because of you ; again.
Today school was ok,time flies quite quickly today.Got back both Maths papers today.Very happy for A maths,but quite disappointed for E maths due to my gei kiang ness and wrong presentation blah blah.hahas physics was quite fun today.Had the tutor and tutee group thing.My group was with Chinyi,Guangmin and Raenes.During the lesson while Chinyi was talking with Xuewei they all,me,guangmin and raenes tried to hide Chinyi's things.LOL it was damn funny larh then the Raenes and Guangmin act act one lor.they were super funny and cute.hahas then Mr chia was like looking at us cos he said our group quite noisy.Keep talking and talking when other classmates is presenting their answer.So it was my turn to present.te most funniest part is when i say the steam point.Then everyone laugh about it.LOL then the desmond was made to do push up cos he said something'then what is....steampoint arh??lol so funny larh.Physics is becoming funner and interesting-er,start to like physics.This saturday will be PeiHwa's official opening!quite excited to see how the Mr Tharman Shanmugaratnam looks like.LOL and we will be having half day on MOnday!HURRAY.hahas okay this is quite a long posts.And im gona go do my homework now.Bye peeps :)

Tuesday, July 24, 2007 ; 5:20 AM
Because of you ; again.

This week shall be quite a relaxing week for me as no test going on this week.And we will be having PE tmr.Hope it dun rain as for the last 2 weeks of PE,it had been raining.Got back Chemistry test paper today,very satisfied with the marks.And tmr is my younger sis birthday!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN ADVANCE!lol went to meet elder sis at cp today to get my sis' present.Bought her a huge piglet at mini toons.It cost $60 bucks.LOL went to suntec city with my family last Sunday.Saw this Piglet and wanted to buy but there are no new ones so bought it in CP.It looks quite small in the picture but its actually quite big in real.hahas cute right??I myself love it very much too :P hehes and National day is cuming soon!!and we got holidays.whoohoo shiok man!hope no homework is given so can relax.hahas

Friday, July 20, 2007 ; 3:50 AM
Because of you ; again.
Had alot of fun in class yesterday during physics lesson as Mr Chia did not come.Me,xuewei,raenes,wanni,chermel,esther and guangmin played bingo at first.Did not even win lo hahas so unlucky.After that played bingo until sian so played truth or dare.My truth veri the funny larh.But shall not elaborate on it.hahas my dare was oso veri paishe.mus face the whole class then mus clap and say E2!E2!LOL it was esther's stupid idea.hahas i enjoyed alot and love the e2 girls.After that was chemistry lab!i love chem lab!and im starting to love thurday now.We burn the duno what solution to get salt.then was salt was the most special.PINK in colour!LOL .hahas today actually have band de but after that was cancelled.Cos when our instructor came,only half of the band members reached.Mr Tang was so angry so he went off.We were given instructions to cor those band members who have not reached to come before calling the instructors.And who was the latest??I bet alot people noe.She was the latest to reach and the whole entire band was waiting for her to come.so pissed off larh.wasted so much of our precious time.But nvm anw band was cancelled.But stayed bak for awhile to practice then went home.Reached at bout 5plus lor.and now sitting here use com.But i cant seem to login to msn.stupid msn.i miss chatting with my msn frens!hahas

Tuesday, July 17, 2007 ; 4:49 AM
Because of you ; again.
Today lessons at the start was sososo boring.So did not manage to pay attention in class during the start of the lesson.Did maths worksheet during maths lesson, chiong A maths all the way cos did not want much homework to do at home.LOL and today was quite surprised to receive a present from Lois.hahas lois thanks!i love the present alot.hehes <3<3<3 . More test is coming up and i find i had not much time to study because need stay back at school for CCA and the rehearsal which take up most of my time.hahas guess i shall...

Monday, July 16, 2007 ; 6:12 AM
Because of you ; again.
Just finished watching campus superstar.Found out that the judges are super duper strict this time.alot of them failed.hahas hope either Teri or Elaine will get in cos they sing quite well.XD Today had chemistry common test.It was alright larh.After school ate with Alastair,weiling,raenes and liying.Have loads of things to say when we chat.LOL long time never talk to Liying lerh.hahas these few days keep toking to her,tis morning oso.hahas missed primary school days.Miss doing the relief teacher thingy with liying lots hahas cos we will always talk alot of things happening around us hahas.Band end at around 6 plus.something happened after band.LOL shall not talk about it.All i can say is quite unlucky for me.LOL and tis is the second time happening to me. : ( and thanks yingxuan,Jessica,siying and lois for helping me.hehes

Thursday, July 12, 2007 ; 12:43 AM
Because of you ; again.
Today is thursday.So fast,time flies.its like a blink of eye then tmr is friday liao.yeah!but sian lor,sat still mus cum back school for the stupid rehearsal.2-8pm kays!so late larh.haiya but cannot complain,its compulsory!!i would rather attend school than rehearsal as school time is definitely shorter.hahas today physics lesson very funny.Mr chia ask me,xuewei,yusiang and benjamin stand infront of the class.then we act as the particlas.Then he say heat,then we must move far apart then mus vibrate lor.Then still say what gas are far apart can move anywhere.then we are supposed to run around the class.hahahs veri funny.And today chem lab oso very fun.Do the magnesium thing.mus heat the magnesium until no fresh fire left.Quite fun but very stuffy inside.LOL and ya tmr is friday!whoohooo!but still got band.sian 1/2.

Monday, July 9, 2007 ; 4:08 AM
Because of you ; again.
Today maths lesson draw graph.Very fun lor.hahas i like drawing graphs but sometimes plot wrong will be veri pekchek.LOL today history Mr Tan got so angry.He search our books inm the cupboard throwing out all those textbooks.Lucky i never put any books inside.If not it will be thrown on the floor.hahas did not go band today cos got dental appointment.hahas..class today okay larh.not so boring as last monday!hehehs love 3E2 and friends! <3<3

Saturday, July 7, 2007 ; 4:55 AM
Because of you ; again.
HAHAS im given a new nickname. Im called lobster a.k.a noobster.(Given by xueNEH).Last time was called ceefat!(Given by raeNEH).lol we so lamb can!hahas today went to my grandmother house.Grandmother teach my mum how make chilli.The chilli my grandma make veri nice.hahas so i went there learn oso.hehes after that went changi village eat then come home.nothing much happen today liao.hahas mayb gonna play basketball with sis and frens tmr!woots!

Friday, July 6, 2007 ; 7:40 AM
Because of you ; again.
Always tot thursday will be a sian and long day.But last thursday seems to pass by quite fast.Had alot of fun with raenes,xuewei and weiling during chem practical.hahas we did the titration.then we add the solution until like dark pink.then we were laughing as we wash the burette,pipette etc.do alot of funny stuffs larh.hahas today was quite okay.Ke lao shi dint come.two days liao.duno what happen to her.hahas was chatting with Raeneh,xueneh,quiety and penguin.tok about lots of stuffs and one of the topic is bout 'contact lens'.weiling and raeneh did not noe i got wear contact lens.thought i got perfect eyesight.hahas how i wish to have.hahas had fun talking to them.its been a long time since we like sit down together tok de.hehes its quite a fun day today at class. cos got free period!hahas sad thing is got homework!arh i hate homeworks!!

Wednesday, July 4, 2007 ; 6:05 AM
Because of you ; again.
This is the first time i felt so tired during my school days.Today school was so tiring.Almost fell asleep while teacher is talking during lessons.After school,seems like everyone is like so happy cos can go home.But to me, one word to describe.SIAN..got band rehearsal until like 6 plus??its like almost everyday need stay back until late evening jus for cca.Felt so stressful.Imagine need to stay back at school for like 2.30 to 6.30 which is 4 hours,everyone can go back home do their things,sleep or complete their homework.But i cant.its not totally canot,but i find that i have put to much time in band.Today still need to attend the so called'karang guni course'.Went to AV room listen to the teacher talk.Im like so sian there cos there is oni two girls including me for the talk.Almost fell asleep during the talk,was being disturbed by km to wake up.LOL jus did maths hw.do until so pekchek dun wan do liao!i hate maths now!arhhhh schooldays are so STRESSFUL now!!for all 3E2 people, pls rmb bring ur chem prac bk tmr,if not need write lines. XD

Sunday, July 1, 2007 ; 8:27 AM
Because of you ; again.
Yesterday went out with family to bugis to shop.Bought a shoulder bag there, white in colour.After that went to my Ah ma house.Stayed there for quite long.Ate quite alot of things there.Went swimming today at Bukit Batok. Felt quite refreshed after the swim.Felt veri hungry after the swim.Then went eat dinner.After dinner went to buy durians eat.Its been a long time since i ate durian.hahas it was yum yum!And there is no school tmr.yeah!can wake up late.whoohoo!shall enjoy my hols tmr!

Y The Girl
Tay huiyi
Sweet Fifteen
Beloved 3E2<3<3
Studies in peihwa secondary
huiyi_43@hotmail.com >

Y I need YOU
Good results for O levels
Everlasting friendship
Printing money machine
To work
New Phone
Get distinction for ballet results
Make more friends
Y Talk To Me

Y Music
Y Dun leave me
Amanda Lim
Y The Past

Y Credits
Designer : purplekisses-
Song : Imeem
Photo : Photobucket