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If Love Never Exists < /3

Monday, April 30, 2007 ; 12:19 AM
Because of you ; again.
Had english paper today.section one was on compo and letter writing.letter writing was quite okay but got stuck in the compo section.did not noe wad question to chooses for the compo.so wrote wad came to my mind.next was english compre.the passage was understandable and the questions quite ok larh.average.hehes finally one paper is over!whooo how i hope exam jus end today.hahas : ) work hard people.

Friday, April 27, 2007 ; 3:36 AM
Because of you ; again.
whooohoos finally update!!yes!!hahas c RAENES i finally update liao.hahas .mid year coming liao.and our english paper is on monday!!quite excited for mid year cos finally can have a break after all the hard work i put in.hahas today i soso blur.was supposed to hand in the history homework to chinyi.i did bring and cy reminded me lots of times but i still forgot.found out when i was on my way home.hahas today had pe.nothing but Napha test.at first was the pacer for guangmin but then esther wan to pace guangmin so i switched to pace wanni.then raenes go pei amanda.hahas wanni passed!!she was like panting and walkin sometimes then im like kepp pushing her to run.hahas (dun blame me if ur too tired at tat time)hahas but great tat u passed.and congrats guangmin for passing too :) but amanda dun be too sad.try harder next time.loves loves loves <3<3. these few days had been doin worksheet on A maths and E maths.quite fun to do.but sometimes do until veri pek chek.when i got the wrong answer it is always either i copy wrong question or careless mistakes.tis is my bad habit.anw yesterday our band got the phototaking.xuewei stayed back wid me in school.hahas she so good <33.but i oso veri good pei her walk to the lrt then walk bak to school for the fototaking.the fotographer veri funny.he lie on the floor then take foto obb us then we r like supposed to pretend to play our instruments.hahas quite fun but veri tiring.but b4 tat went to the library to find lois.at ther saw raenes,weiling and amanda.then discussing bout someting.it is so funni larh.then saw yongda,edmond and haowen.they so interested in wad we girls tokin about.then after tat edmond did a veri stupid act which i dont wan to elaborate.later he embarrassed.hahas mid year exams are cuming.WORK HARD people and good luck too :))

Friday, April 20, 2007 ; 7:02 AM
Because of you ; again.
hahas finally can update lerh.cos now using dad's com.hahas my com duno why canot sign in to blogger leh.oni when it come to blogger then lag.SORY PEOPLE FOR NOT UPDATING.hahas i shall not update on last week's on wads going on as i totally forgotten wad had happened.paiseh xuewei cos i told u tat i veri good at summarising.hahas in the end neber.LOL today had NAPHA.quite pleased wid my results after all and can say tis is the best NAPHA result i had from sec 1 till now.hahas damn happi.we did not have any recess cos the stupid napha eat up our recess time.but kelaoshi so good larh.ask us bring the zuoye to the canteen.yi bian chi yi bian do.ok after recess is the councillor investiture.quite boring.sit there leg so pain then c they swear get certificates.after tat mr muru delayed us for bout15 mins???cos all of us were misbehaving during the investiture.hahas after tat was history remedial.quite fun as mr tan was cracking lame jokes on the xiao ding dang tingy.UNION and SEPERATION.so lamb.hahas after history was suppose to go for foto shootin for the band.at last cancelled.wasted my time for staying bak.but nvm.felt hungry so ate wid yvonne and jq cos nobody to eat wid mahs.hahas after tat went to chat wid weiling,clay,desmond,yusinag and alastair for awhile.soon alastair went for his BAND PRACTICE(he is too devoted liao) then went home wid weiling,clay yusinag and desmond.ok tat is wad happen today :) so people dun say i neber update hor.Q_Q

Tuesday, April 10, 2007 ; 7:14 AM
Because of you ; again.
Tis shall be quite a long posts since have not been updating lately?

(April 5th)
HAPPY BITHDAY DADDY!!Hope you have enjoyed ur birthday wid us. Made a card for dad.it is beeter to make a card than buy from outside as there is more cheng yi.hahas.
(April 6th)
Went to sentosa and have loads loads of fun there. but it is veri tiring to walk under the bright sun.was perspiring non-stop.hahas went to sit the SKYRIDER.we went for the family package.it is reallie fun lorx cos its been a long time since i went to sentosa??hahaas when i was on the skyrider,i notice the singapore de scenery is damn nice n cool can.is like...i duno how to explain larh.hahas but had a GREAT GREAT time wid my family there!!woots
(April 9th)
XUEWEI'S BIRD day.hahas guess she received alot obb presents??hope she will like the present me,esther,guangmin and raenes bought for her.hahas.had SYF oso.im reallie excited for it.was well prepared to play.band had some mistakes in the first part of the sunrise but sounds nice for the later part of sunrise and eagle bend.alot of pepo cried after they went out of the conference hall.it is like a great relief cos we spent so much effort and time in it and finally the day is over.Some of the band members went bak to conference hall after tat to get the results.we got BRONZE!!:( felt so shock when hearing it.tot will either get silver or gold lorx.but after tinking for one day, tink PEIHWA BAND did veri well already.cos we are like the first year to take part in SYF and its already veri good to get bronze lerh..so dun be too sad.try to get over it(although i have not)
will posts more if i have the time.woots no tests the next few days!!yeshhh!!

Thursday, April 5, 2007 ; 3:09 AM
Because of you ; again.
Had sports carnival today.Starting was boring cos we did warmups.actually i never do.almost every pepo in the school did not do except those hyper ones.had those little interclass mini games day.i played the first and second games.first was the transporting of water.i tink is haowen.the water is suppose to put above his head.instead he put above my head.then when we walk the water spill on my head.it is like so funny.then mr chng saw n ask him to put above his head not mine.then haowen say:'aiya nvm larh'.hahas but nvm it is veri fun.the second game was freesbie.it is veri exciting.alot of time the freesbie drop and there is once where it drop to the other lane lorx.then raenes had to run over to take.she is so funny larh.hahas.had such a fun day thingy.won abit of those cute prizes.all disney character derh n some stickers.there is a game where we need to hook the bottle up.then xuewei ,esther and guangmin so pro larh.first attempt jiu zong liao.then i needed a second attempt.so dumb rite.

After the carnival got band practice.went to cp wid band members.ate yoshinoya.after tat headed to band.watched those dvd related to music.cher say not much blowing of instru today.felt happi cos no mood to play.halfway through received a msg from raenes.then after tat chatted awhile and she said she wanted to blog bout me in her blog.hahas so honoured tat she blog about me.hope is not a bad ting.hahas.raenes is so lovable and cute larh.LOVE tokin to her.Love her lots too <333. and she gave me a nickname.SWEETIE PIE.hahas veri funny rite.dun tink it suit me.hahas

anw tats bout all.feeling veri tired now and need go rest lerh.lastly those who r free u can go this web www.maggiemarket.com is a game web and those cute cute games.veri nice n exciting.so TRY IT!!byes

Wednesday, April 4, 2007 ; 6:03 AM
Because of you ; again.
nothing to do so change blogskin cos was tired with the other one.hahas todae had A maths test.got few questions duno how to do..quite difficult actually.haiis but i find it veri unfair for those people who r so honest.alot of ppl in our class cheated lorx.they got the tips and some even got all the ques.(Not referring to anyone)jus hope tat they wil not do tis once again.we keep saying mus kao shili.hahas.tmr will be a relaxing day cos no school.i mean there is school but is PEIHWA FAMILY DAY.goin to play games all tat.hope it will be fun lorx.sian after tat need go for band prac.1.30 until 6 kays??so long.hahas but no choice SYF is on MON.we mus get GOLD.GOGOGOband members.we can do it.hahas oso tokk bak the band uniform to iron so tat we will look neat in it.i tink tats all for today.Take care people and cya tmr!!

Y The Girl
Tay huiyi
Sweet Fifteen
Beloved 3E2<3<3
Studies in peihwa secondary
huiyi_43@hotmail.com >

Y I need YOU
Good results for O levels
Everlasting friendship
Printing money machine
To work
New Phone
Get distinction for ballet results
Make more friends
Y Talk To Me

Y Music
Y Dun leave me
Amanda Lim
Y The Past

Y Credits
Designer : purplekisses-
Song : Imeem
Photo : Photobucket