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If Love Never Exists < /3

Friday, March 30, 2007 ; 5:03 AM
Because of you ; again.
FOrm teacher period we did nothing but tok and play.dorothy,jasmine,raenes,chemel,yvonne,goldfish,desmond and sexy played BINGO.im supposed to shout out the number larh..im their LUCKY STAR.hahas however next was pe.miss ng confiscated the papers cos we like not paying attention to her.we did shuttle run and standing broad jump today. my timing is 10.37 and my standing broad jump deproved.from 200 to 181 today.duno y.was supposed to have E maths class test today however ended up doin it as a worksheet cos we told mrs cheow we veh tired,stress.crap alot hahas.lucky is not class test cos i was stuck we the first ques for bout15 mins??hahas.last period is chinese.we did chinese compo writing competition.topic is :Ling wo hui wei wu chiong de yi ke.was stuck wid the title duno how to write.ended up writing alot.hahas was the last few to hand in.xuewei was sooo good she waited for me to finish and help me wid the ending.hahas <333. after school she went for the jalan kayu meeting. was chatting wid raenes all the way until my band practice starts. have loads of fun tokin wid her lorx..chatted alot of things.funny subjects. the qian tu hou chiao de thing.hahas.raenes veri good she pei me up to the band room n waited for me to set up my instru then we continued tokin.hahas i LOVE her sooo much <333 333 .hahas not forgetting the other 3E2 girls larh.<33 tmr have to wake up veri early cos we got a band xchange wid other schools i tink is BUkitmerah and one more i forgot liao. feel quite excited cos cant wait to listen to the other bands.hahas gonna do my homework now.bye peeps!!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007 ; 8:19 AM
Because of you ; again.
sorry people for not updating cos was so busy wid my scheldule. today was our band performance. we played our SYF during assembly which is singapore sunrise and eagle bend(laoying wan). quite happy wid our band performance.it sounds quite nice actually and our band have improved alot since last two years. we were being scolded by mrs yao for not performing well during the sec twos assembly.she said she purposely sat behind, she said she canot hear us.but actually we already blow it veri loud..but nevertheless, all of us blow our veri best.instructors were quite happi wid our performance. today was oso A maths class tests. it is quite okay for all except for one maths question i duno how to do. but nevermind since its oso not counted.hahas have benn missing abit of lessons these two days as we need go earlier for warm up etc. missed HISTORY LESSONS. and until now i duno wad is appeasement??i duno y although i listen attentively to mr tan,i cant seem to understand wad he is tokin bout. i tink im gona flunk history tis year.haiis feeling so stress up. im goin to work hard!!oso lastly HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO CLAY. get well sooon and takkaiire!!:)

Saturday, March 24, 2007 ; 5:20 AM
Because of you ; again.
Today was parent meeting session. i got back my results lerh although is not quite bad but still not so happy wid it :( I FAILED MY HISTORY!!. ARGHH it is the first time i got an underlined in my report book!!stupid lines damaged my report book. did badly for english as expected.hahas but nvm..its over and i cant change the marks rite..better work hard next time. today the speech by mrs lim was damn boring..but i actually listen..but some of those things she said..duno wad cut off points,bonus points i dun even understand.haahs its too chimp for me lerh..i tink oni wanni can understand..hahahas :)

To those who failed history: dun be sad everyone.hahas jus work harder next time okays??dun let tis kind of thing affect ur mood cos its over :) hahas STAY HAPPY ALWAYS!!eat more kaixin guo. ok im being lame.PLEASE laugh hahas.

I love the E2 girls. xuewei,esther,guangmin,wanni,raenes,weiling, chermel,jasmine,amanda,chinyi and dorothy!!oops did i leave out anyone??hope not..hahas

Tuesday, March 20, 2007 ; 1:15 AM
Because of you ; again.
still in hols mo0d.dun really feel like goin to school.once i step into the school.i will need to start and crack my brains over questions i duno how to do..homeworks.test!!!arghh i hate school but i love my frens around me. everyone in 3E2.everyday nothing will make me not laugh. have been feeling sick these few days.cough,flu and abit of headache.and somemore tmr will be my ballet exam!!arhh its like so fast larh.good news is i no need wake up so early tmr cos will not be going to school in the morning.will be bak in school like 1plus??cos got cca mahs.so sian lor.hahas i will miss my cliques derh..u all mus miss me oso.hahas:)actually duno why i like not scared for my ballet exam..jus feeling so happi and excited.cant wait till tmr!!hahas anw today got back my physics common test paper. my marks is like so lowwww lorx.veri disappointed.actually i can get 22/30 one but due to my stupidityyness i oni got 17 nia.all cos of the questions on drawing the acceleration and deceleration thingy lor.i oni label the axis wrongly.actually mus put distance i go put velocity so careless and stupid rite??like tat five marks gone.another quiestion on micrometer neber put mm oso kou fen.SO ANGRY WITH MY STUPIDITYNESS!!arhhh but nvm will try reallie hard tis time lerh.no slacking for me!1i mus do well for my upcoming common test lerh.osos since after the march hols, our sitting arrangement change lerh. i now sit wid pohkhoon,kokming and xuewei. i find its better tis way as the class has becum quieter and tat means i can concentrate better.hahas.timetable oso change ler.there's like so mani history periods larh.3 periods obb history on MONDAY lor..wad the hell..i hate history mans..hahas okok tats all bout wad happen ..hahas so people i updated lerh..hahas :)

Sunday, March 11, 2007 ; 8:20 AM
Because of you ; again.
Happy birthday to Mummy!!Today went out to celebrate my mum's birthday.hahas qhole family plus my grandmother,grandfather and my auntie went to East Coast the Jumbo seafood restaurant to eat!!yummy yummy the food there reallie taste so good cans.hahas especially the chilli crab and butter prawns!!when we reach me and my sis found out tat we forgot to bring down the card tat we made for my mum.we left it on the car!i left it in my ballet bag which is at the behind of the car which i duno wad isit called??lol my dad noes we made the card so he asked me to go his car to take his handphone down and at the same time take the card down..hahas then after tat it was like so funny larh..i had a hard time locking my father's car.hahas its so funny lorx.i pressed the button which is like to lock the car.so when i press 1 time my father's side car is lock then my mum's side is not lock..the other time is the opposite.then me and my sis was like walking around opening the door to c whether the car is locked.then my elder sis was like laughing there saying y we keep walking around the car.she came and help us.then when she pressed the butoon the car actually lock lorx..then we was like laughing all the way. then after tat we went back and gave my mum the birthday card.she is like so surprised and happy.. i oso feel veri happy.when my parents are happy, im also veri happy. i hope today is a veri happy day for my mother,father,sisters,grandparents and auntie. i had an enjoyable day todae!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUMMY AND THANKS DADDY FOR THE SCRUMPTUOUS DINNER!!:) <3333333

Saturday, March 10, 2007 ; 5:41 AM
Because of you ; again.
March hols has finally arrived!!has been waiting for tis day to cum.hahas. i will be having a veri tight schedule during tis hols.reallie tot tat i can enjoy myself until i heard tat there will be a band camp from wed to sat!!arghh and i will be having my ballet coaching class everyday except tues..cos my ballet exam is on 21st March.its so fast can..and reallie hope i can get distinction.hahas. will be goin out wid the e2 people on MON and TUES. i tink we will be either going to the park or shoppinq.now not confirm yet.if majority wans go park jiu park if not jiu go shopping.hahas also the e2 girls confirm be goin WWW on tues.hope it will not rain, hope the weather is fine.and HOPE TAT I WILL NOT ZONG TOU JIANG.!!u all will noe wad i mean bahs..hahas. im really gonna enjoy myself

Tuesday, March 6, 2007 ; 3:59 AM
Because of you ; again.
YEAH!!so happy these few days expecially on last sunday!!whoo my Dad bought me an MP4 as my birthday present.my mum,dad, both my sisters went to Sim lim tower to buy the MP4. It is shoo nice okays..hahas it is white in colour and wid green buttons..actually mum and dad let me choose. they ask me if i wan an MP4 or PSP..i chose MP4.hahas cos i find tat i dun quite need a PSP which can serve net wherever u go etc..hahas shoo was damn happy during tat day and now busying transferring pictures,songs and videos in it. well i REALLY REALLY REALLY love 3E2 veri the much..the GIRLS especially xuewei,raenes,esther,guangmin,wanni weiling and chermelare shoo fun to be wid.hahas DUN GET JEALOUS PPL . jasmine and amanda are always sitting behind keeping veri quiet.hope they will cum and try to tok and have fun wid us!!hahas todae was super duper funny. Me,xuewei and esther are like discussing the trip on Monday and WWW.then suddenly esther say she wans to go picnic. then i feel like making fun obb her. so i say'HUH??WAD IS PICNIC?R U SAYING PANIC??'lol then esther was like huh is picnic mahs..not mehs..then she started askin alot obb ppl. all the people esther ask is like so cooperative cans..all say is PANIC not PICNIC.hahas. well also esther todae gave me kinder bueno.she is shoo good.. she and xuewei always bring food and snacks to class for us to eat..so loving rites..hahas ok quite paiseh actually cos they r always the one bringing the food n im the one eating..hahas so shall bring some snacks and share wid them. WHOOOHOO im so excited for next week cos we goin Shoppinq and WWW.. i guess it would be fun.NO is definitely a fun one.hahas so now hoping raenes and weiling can go nors..hahas okie gonna do my homework now.will update mayb sometime later bahs..bye people and TAKKAIRE!!

Y The Girl
Tay huiyi
Sweet Fifteen
Beloved 3E2<3<3
Studies in peihwa secondary
huiyi_43@hotmail.com >

Y I need YOU
Good results for O levels
Everlasting friendship
Printing money machine
To work
New Phone
Get distinction for ballet results
Make more friends
Y Talk To Me

Y Music
Y Dun leave me
Amanda Lim
Y The Past

Y Credits
Designer : purplekisses-
Song : Imeem
Photo : Photobucket