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If Love Never Exists < /3

Wednesday, February 28, 2007 ; 2:59 AM
Because of you ; again.
today is our history presentaion. finally is over..cos was damn nervous during the presentation. i really put alot of effort in this project to get high marks in order to pull up my history overall percentage. so, today the presentation went quite smoothly. the most funny part is when alot of people are like fighting over to answer ques to get chocolates..so funny lorx.especially their expression:) well A math n E maths tests r jus over like 2 days ago? hmmm mrs choew mark so fast lorx.she mark my paper first so noe my marks..hahas i got 27/30..but not so happi wid it cos i made alot careless mistake..if not for the simultaneous then i would get 29 liao..haiis but nvm..congrats to those who did well!!hahas. after school todae we went for history remedial. some of us was like so funny larh.mr tan let us bring bread up to eat..shui zhi dao we went to dabao the japanese teriyaki rice..hahas. then while listening was enjoying the food..yummy so delicious!!lol so after remedial went straight for band..heard tat during the march holidays we got the band camp..was so sad when hearing cos tot i can rest during the hols..somemmore the band camp is like 4 days lorx..tat means my march hols is like being packed up??and actually wanted go www wid the E2 girls de..now duno still can go anot..unless is a mon or tues??hahas. I HATE BAND!!

Sunday, February 25, 2007 ; 4:34 AM
Because of you ; again.
well...finally had the time to update.veri busy wid my history project lately. Yesterday went to xuewei's hse to do history.hahas did quite alot of things finally lorx..cos the first time we were busying ourself wid those backgrounds templates thingy.hahas. todae went for my ballet class a usual, quite fun. after tat, at home ate steamboat. I LOVE STEAMBOAT.!!hahas. well tues we will be having two maths common tests..i HATE COMMON TESTS..make me so stress..haahs pray tat i will noe how to do the ques on tat day. okie gtg lerh..byes

Thursday, February 22, 2007 ; 12:13 AM
Because of you ; again.
nothing much happen todae.todae we had A maths class test..guess wad the test is like one hour long and total of 40marks okay!!ven class test the duration is so long i wonder what happen to our common test..hahas the test is quite okay.not easy and not hard..hahas.we oso got bak our physic practical papers and chemistry papers...at first i tot i fail my physics..but hahas i passed!!quite happi wid it..but not quite happi wid my chemistry marks..it seems like everybody scored so high but me??hais veri disappointed wid my results..im so scared tat i will be like the last few positions in my class.our class standard is like quite high lor...wish i will do well for the upcoming common tests..anw tmr we will be having E maths test..hahas so excited to take the paper..u may tink im weird but duno y i jus love maths test..hahas.ke lao shi say tmr the result of who will win the cny deco..hope is E2.i jus hope our class will get the top three jiu can liao..i noe E2can do it..oso todae mrs Ng nv cum..then me,raenes,xuewei,wanni,weiling and chemel were tokin and laughing so loudly..hahas we will get crazy when we gather 2gether..hahas.okie naw goin for my ballet lessons liao..gtg..BYE enjoy ur day..hahas

Thursday, February 15, 2007 ; 6:18 AM
Because of you ; again.
Yeah!!finally all the common tests are over and im free from all the tests....ARHHH so happy lorx...today during chinese class veri funny..kelaoshi neber cum todae and a relief teacher came in..we had the qi gai chinese open book test. the cher did not even ask us to seperate our tables lor...so mani ppl were like discussing n tokin to each other during the test..hahas so far among all the tests, this tests is the easiest but mus be veri careful when reading...mus READ WORD BY WORD.if not ur answer will be wrong..me n xuewei was in this situation todae..WOW new year is like 3 more days...im so excited bout NEW year cos can vsit alot of places and can alot of ANGBAOS...alot of angbaos means money..hahas. sigh tmr still need go school for the chinese new year celebration. it is so sian lor. somemore band is playing mission impossible and the gong xi gong xi song...it is veri embarass kay.still need wear sunglasses do those stupid actions..make us so paiseh lor.so if tmr u all c the band try not to laugh kay cos i reallie dun wan to do it...being force ones..hahas. well still got one more thing to say to her:Girl dun be too sad okays u mus get use to it no matter wad..feel free to share ur problems wid me, i will try my best to help u kays.:)

Wednesday, February 14, 2007 ; 7:23 AM
Because of you ; again.
Whoo today is Valentines day which is oso my birthday..hahas im shoo lucky to be born on these days..ok people dun be jealous of me cos is fated..hahas.Well today reallie had a great time in class with all my great frens around me...they are xuewei,wanni,raenes,chinyi, dorothy guangmin esther the sexy babe and mani others...hahas we will turn reallie crazy when we cum 2gether...kept laughing n laughing...todae people like raenes,xuewei esther wanni is damn funny lorx...every one min or so they will turn around n say happi birthday to me...hahas i wonder how mani times they say tat to me liao...so funny..hahas. I received alot of presents and birthday wishing card...THANKS to those who have wished me and Thanks for the presents...i love them veri much..hahas...im reallie reallie veri happy todae. wahahas. another funny thing today is during english lesson...mrs ng teaches us how to pronounce words like dollar all tat...i will definitely laugh when sexy esther speak english...it is damn funny lorx...cant stop myself from laughing .me and xuewei is like laughing all the way..hahas. Finally all the tests are over except for tmr's chinese storybook test. Well todae had history common test..hais duno if i will pass anot...it is sososo difficult lor...i HATE HISTORY mans!!Well tmr raenes flying off to Thailand lerh...i hereby wish her BON VOYAGE...have FUN there...hahas

Monday, February 12, 2007 ; 3:05 AM
Because of you ; again.
hahas today had a great day with my class. hais today we had english and physical practical test.Eng was ok but teacher say it is veri easy...i do not find it easy lor..hahas well im so scared i will fail my physics prac larh..duno how i draw the graph.ming ming is correct one lorx then i duno why go n change the graph..ARGHH!!so stupid rites?hahas okie today the judges are cuming to c our class cny deco....all of us(me,xuewei wanni weiling raenes chinyi dorothy yvonne kokming claydeman poh khoon jerry desmond)sry if i hab left out any names stayed bak for the last minute deco..all of us was like...running around the classroom doin,arranging the tables and chairs, sweeping the floor etc..E2 people are so cooperative and Fun...i LOve my class.we even prepared a skit to present when the judges came in...u noe our judges are"MISS PARVIN AND MISS KWOK!!"they kept laughing when they came in our class....i tink is perhaps our class too nice le bah?!hahas. i reallie hope our class can win lorx coz we prepared so mani tings...if neber win then i will be damn sad and disappointed..hahas so here i wish E2 GOOD LUCK...!!

Y The Girl
Tay huiyi
Sweet Fifteen
Beloved 3E2<3<3
Studies in peihwa secondary
huiyi_43@hotmail.com >

Y I need YOU
Good results for O levels
Everlasting friendship
Printing money machine
To work
New Phone
Get distinction for ballet results
Make more friends
Y Talk To Me

Y Music
Y Dun leave me
Amanda Lim
Y The Past

Y Credits
Designer : purplekisses-
Song : Imeem
Photo : Photobucket