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If Love Never Exists < /3

Saturday, July 2, 2011 ; 9:56 AM
Because of you ; again.

Back to PeiHwa for the carnival.
One look and you can tell it's a very successful event!

Soup Spoon with xw and Esther after.
Shopped, Starbucks and Bugis after.

I''ll see you again?

Thursday, August 9, 2007 ; 5:57 AM
Because of you ; again.
Went Sentosa yesterday with Mr Tan and Mrs Ng yesterday!Was super fun larh and i really really enjoyed myself there.Took alot of pictures there.Will upload soon if i have the time.Played fressbie,seawater and capton's ball.The best part is during the capton's ball where Mr tan and Mrs Ng joined in to play.Me,Mr Tan.Xuewei,Kokming,David,Claydeman and Jintai was in one group.We keep winning and Mr Tan played cheat sometimes.He was the catcher and there were alot of times where he rolled and fell down on the grass when i tried to pass him the ball.So funny larh.Mrs Ng oso very Cute.See the different sides of both teachers yesterday.Hope to go with them again.And its quite sad that Mrs Ng wont be teaching us English when school reopen. : ( reallie miss the fun times with her and her teaching us English. Heard that Mrs Ng cried on her way back while smsing Jaryl.We played for quite long like bout 6.45pm.Then all of us went to bathe while Mr Tan wait for all of us to bathe(cos all of us were sweaty and wet after playing) then went dinner at Vivo.The food republic there.Mr tan treated us to drinks again.Thank you Mr tan.while eating Mr Tan told us alot of Ghosts stories.Yvonne cried after listening to it.LOL hahas me,esther,Xuewei,Justin,Jerry and Yongda sat at the other table and crapped all the way.Was talking bout ghosts stories too!hahas after that we got abit scared then decided to crack some lame jokes. (Neh mind Neh mind)LOL bout 10 plus trained back with Mr tan and e2 peeps back to Sengkang.Mr Tan accompanied all of us back to compass point before going home.So good rite.Took quite alot of photos with Raenes,Justin ,Yongda and Xuewei.hahas we posed lots of funny actions.one of them is the WOW.guess oni me,xw,justin and yd noe.hahas Raenes face was being cut half by me in the foto cos my head too big.LOL my back hurts a little now cos Justin told me to see Yusiang sleeping.then i cannot see so stood up.Then when i went back to sit down,the Mrt move then i jus bang down on my seat.Its not painful but when i get home,there's a small blueblack on my back.LOL but indeed it was a fun experience with the e2 people.Hope to go there again.And e2 will miss Mrs Ng!

Saturday, August 4, 2007 ; 8:17 AM
Because of you ; again.
Sorry for not updating, was lazy to update. Today had SS xtra lesson at RC.Did two sources and learnt quite alot of skills while attempting the question.Hope it will be a great help for the SS common test on Monday! Did only two sources jiu went home.Went to Macdonald for lunch with Dorothy and went home after that.And And And will be going out on Sentosa trip with Mrs Ng on Wednesday!soso looking forward to it.Almost everyone in 3E2 is going, hope it will be fun!

Saturday, July 28, 2007 ; 6:04 AM
Because of you ; again.
Jus came back from official opening.Quite a grand opening indeed.the hall was filled with like the wedding atmosphere like that.Got the restaurant smell.Sat at the hall there waiting for the minister to come.Wah at that time so hungry.see those waitress serving soft drinks make my mouth drool lo.But too bad cannot drink ahhas.After the performance was rushed to go home.No dinner for us to eat.So bad uh.hahas and now im damn tired and i haven started my SS homework.Sh!t had difficulty doing it.And i have decided not to do it until i have enough of rest.okay gotta go sleep soon. : )

Thursday, July 26, 2007 ; 2:45 AM
Because of you ; again.
Today school was ok,time flies quite quickly today.Got back both Maths papers today.Very happy for A maths,but quite disappointed for E maths due to my gei kiang ness and wrong presentation blah blah.hahas physics was quite fun today.Had the tutor and tutee group thing.My group was with Chinyi,Guangmin and Raenes.During the lesson while Chinyi was talking with Xuewei they all,me,guangmin and raenes tried to hide Chinyi's things.LOL it was damn funny larh then the Raenes and Guangmin act act one lor.they were super funny and cute.hahas then Mr chia was like looking at us cos he said our group quite noisy.Keep talking and talking when other classmates is presenting their answer.So it was my turn to present.te most funniest part is when i say the steam point.Then everyone laugh about it.LOL then the desmond was made to do push up cos he said something'then what is....steampoint arh??lol so funny larh.Physics is becoming funner and interesting-er,start to like physics.This saturday will be PeiHwa's official opening!quite excited to see how the Mr Tharman Shanmugaratnam looks like.LOL and we will be having half day on MOnday!HURRAY.hahas okay this is quite a long posts.And im gona go do my homework now.Bye peeps :)

Tuesday, July 24, 2007 ; 5:20 AM
Because of you ; again.

This week shall be quite a relaxing week for me as no test going on this week.And we will be having PE tmr.Hope it dun rain as for the last 2 weeks of PE,it had been raining.Got back Chemistry test paper today,very satisfied with the marks.And tmr is my younger sis birthday!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN ADVANCE!lol went to meet elder sis at cp today to get my sis' present.Bought her a huge piglet at mini toons.It cost $60 bucks.LOL went to suntec city with my family last Sunday.Saw this Piglet and wanted to buy but there are no new ones so bought it in CP.It looks quite small in the picture but its actually quite big in real.hahas cute right??I myself love it very much too :P hehes and National day is cuming soon!!and we got holidays.whoohoo shiok man!hope no homework is given so can relax.hahas

Friday, July 20, 2007 ; 3:50 AM
Because of you ; again.
Had alot of fun in class yesterday during physics lesson as Mr Chia did not come.Me,xuewei,raenes,wanni,chermel,esther and guangmin played bingo at first.Did not even win lo hahas so unlucky.After that played bingo until sian so played truth or dare.My truth veri the funny larh.But shall not elaborate on it.hahas my dare was oso veri paishe.mus face the whole class then mus clap and say E2!E2!LOL it was esther's stupid idea.hahas i enjoyed alot and love the e2 girls.After that was chemistry lab!i love chem lab!and im starting to love thurday now.We burn the duno what solution to get salt.then was salt was the most special.PINK in colour!LOL .hahas today actually have band de but after that was cancelled.Cos when our instructor came,only half of the band members reached.Mr Tang was so angry so he went off.We were given instructions to cor those band members who have not reached to come before calling the instructors.And who was the latest??I bet alot people noe.She was the latest to reach and the whole entire band was waiting for her to come.so pissed off larh.wasted so much of our precious time.But nvm anw band was cancelled.But stayed bak for awhile to practice then went home.Reached at bout 5plus lor.and now sitting here use com.But i cant seem to login to msn.stupid msn.i miss chatting with my msn frens!hahas

Y The Girl
Tay huiyi
Sweet Fifteen
Beloved 3E2<3<3
Studies in peihwa secondary
huiyi_43@hotmail.com >

Y I need YOU
Good results for O levels
Everlasting friendship
Printing money machine
To work
New Phone
Get distinction for ballet results
Make more friends
Y Talk To Me

Y Music
Y Dun leave me
Amanda Lim
Y The Past

Y Credits
Designer : purplekisses-
Song : Imeem
Photo : Photobucket